Jewellery and Accessories

Mikado sells brands that are references for watches and jewels that flaunt the creativity of designers from the East and the West. Mikado exhibits items by ‘Guess’, a fashionable collection, ‘Citizen’ and ‘Adidas’ –very popular among sportsmen – or ‘Rotary’, a top of the range brand among classic watches. Mikado also offers a variety of ‘Calypso’ watches for kids and youngsters, ‘Seiko’ and ‘Pulsar’ classics as well as ‘Festina’ watches, the most sold sports watch in Europe. From Asia, Mikado imports the “ODM” range, a fashion design product that incorporates the latest colour trends.



Instagram: @mikadomauritius

Barkly Wharf, Caudan Waterfront, Port-Louis

Le Caudan Waterfront